Streamlining Document Organization

In the age of increased information, the need to streamline document organization is now an essential aspect of business processes that are successful. Businesses that do not use efficient processes are at risk of a failure in compliance, misplaced or lost documents, and inefficient workflow. This article is designed to assist organizations establish best-practices for document processing that minimize search time, improve workflows and storage and encourage better collaboration.

If you’re an IT manager responsible for improving workflows for processing documents or a systems end-user who wants to increase productivity, installing the right document management software is crucial. These solutions facilitate streamlined document processing, more rapid access to information, and reduce the risk of error and data loss.

To create a well-organized file structure, use a hierarchy of folders as well as subfolders. For example, top-level folders could be labeled by project (e.g. Client invoices, OC Documents or project type (e.g. Writing) could be labeled as top-level files. Writing). Subfolders may be labeled by specific tasks within the project or by dates. The more structured your hierarchy is, the easier it will be to find files later on.

In addition, integrating your document management solution with other business applications like Slack, GitHub, Everhour, and Zoom will make it easy for your team to collaborate regardless of physical location. This allows for streamlined communication, better collaboration and can lead to increased productivity and efficiency in your business. In addition, leveraging document processing apps can also ensure that all your files are accessible throughout the day and everyone on your team has the same version of each file.

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